01 October, 2024

Do We Truly Love the Prophet Muhammad SAW? Betul Ke Kita Cinta Rasulullah SAW?


Masjid Jami Musa-If Ad-Dhobi, Jala (Yala) || 28 Sep 2024

Do We Truly Love the Prophet Muhammad SAW?
Betul Ke Kita Cinta Rasulullah SAW?

Many of us say with passion, “I love the Prophet Muhammad SAW!” But…love isn’t just something you say, my friends! Just like how we show love to someone by doing what they like and avoiding what they don’t, it’s the same with our love for the Prophet SAW. So, what is it that the Prophet SAW loved the most? 🤔 But before that...

Ramai yang dengan penuh semangat kata, “Aku cinta Rasulullah SAW!” Tapi…cinta ni bukan sekadar kata-kata je, geng! Sama macam apabila kita suka seseorang, kita tunjukkan cinta tu dengan buat apa yang dia suka, dan elakkan apa yang dia tak suka. Kalau betul cinta Rasulullah SAW, jom tengok…apa perkara yang Baginda SAW paling suka buat? Tetapi sebelum itu...

What Really Made the Prophet SAW Sad?
Apa yang Sebenarnya Buat Rasulullah SAW Bersedih?

The Prophet SAW, like us, experienced joy, sadness, and even anger because he was human too. But he never felt sad over worldly things...not enough food? A small house? An empty kitchen for months? No problem! So, what broke his heart? The fact that people didn’t accept the message of Islam.

Rasulullah SAW, macam kita juga, ada rasa gembira, sedih, dan marah sebab Baginda pun manusia. Tapi Baginda tak pernah bersedih sebab perkara dunia...tak cukup makan? Rumah sempit? Dapur tak berasap berbulan-bulan? Itu semua tak jadi masalah! Jadi, apa yang betul-betul buat hati Baginda remuk? Hati Baginda sedih sebab orang tak terima ajaran Islam. 

Refer to Surah Luqman, verse 23:

"And whoever has disbelieved - let not his disbelief grieve you. To Us is their return, and We will inform them of what they did. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts."

Rujuk Surah Luqman, ayat 23:

"Dan sesiapa yang kufur, maka janganlah engkau bersedih hati kerana kekufurannya…"

The Prophet SAW’s sadness wasn’t because of worldly shortages; it was because people didn’t believe in Allah, even though he had preached day and night. But was it his fault? Absolutely not! Yet the heart of the Prophet SAW was so full of love and compassion for his ummah that he couldn’t bear to see them suffer in Hell. 😭 His heart was truly filled with mercy for all, "Rahmatan lil Alamin". 💖

Bayangkan... Baginda SAW dah berdakwah siang malam, pagi petang, tapi ada juga orang yang tetap tak nak beriman. Allah ingatkan Nabi SAW bahawa ini bukan salah Baginda. Tapi kenapa Baginda tetap bersedih? Sebab Baginda SAW tak sanggup tengok umatnya menderita dalam neraka. Hati Baginda penuh dengan kasih sayang... Rahmatan lil Alamin, rahmat untuk seluruh alam. 

And Allah comforted him through Surah Luqman, reminding him not to grieve, for he had already earned great rewards for his da’wah efforts.

Jadi, Allah tegur, “Jangan sedih. Kamu dah dapat pahala kerana usaha dakwahmu itu.”

The Greatest Sunnah: Da’wah
Sunnah Terbesar: Dakwah

If we truly love the Prophet SAW, we must follow his greatest sunnah is Da’wah. During the Year of Sorrow (the 10th year of Prophethood), the Prophet lost two of his dearest people...his uncle, Abu Talib, who always defended him, and his beloved wife, Khadijah, who always supported him. If it were us, we might have given up! 😔 But not the Prophet! 💪🏻

Kalau betul kita cintakan Rasulullah SAW, kita kena ikut sunnah terbesar Baginda iaitu Dakwah. Semasa Tahun Kesedihan (tahun ke-10, Baginda diutus sebagai Rasulullah), Baginda kehilangan dua orang yang sangat Baginda sayangi...Abu Talib (bapa saudara yang sentiasa mempertahankan Baginda) dan Siti Khadijah (isteri yang sangat menyokong Baginda). Kalau kita? Mungkin dah give up! Tapi Baginda? Tidak! 

Despite his deep sorrow and loss of his strongest supporters, he walked more than 100 km to Taif...hoping to save its people, even though he knew they might treat him harshly. And they did, throwing stones at him until his feet bled. 😢 But what did the Prophet SAW do? He kept going! Even though his heart was broken, his love for his ummah gave him the strength to never give up. 🌟

Walaupun dalam keadaan sangat sedih, Baginda sanggup berjalan kaki lebih 100 km ke Taif...walaupun tahu risikonya, Baginda tetap teruskan demi selamatkan penduduk Taif! Tapi apa balasan mereka? Balasannya…dilempar dengan batu dan kata-kata nista serta cercaan! Kaki Baginda SAW berdarah, tapi Baginda tak mengalah. Sebab apa? Cinta dan kasih sayang Baginda pada umatnya lebih kuat daripada rasa sakit.

Da’wah Without Conditions
Dakwah Tanpa Syarat

What was the Prophet SAW’s focus? Da’wah. Not for a salary, not for fame, but for Allah and his love for his people. 🌹 The Prophet once said, “Convey from me, even if it’s just one verse.” 📢

Apa yang Baginda buat? Dakwah. Bukan sebab nak gaji, bukan sebab nak popular, tapi kerana Allah dan kasih pada umatnya. Nabi pernah bersabda, “Sampaikan daripadaku walaupun satu ayat.”

Let’s take an example: Tufayl ibn Amr Ad-Dausi. The Quraysh even warned him not to listen to the Prophet, fearing he’d be influenced by the Quran. So, what did he do? He stuffed his ears with cotton to avoid hearing the Quran.

Jom tengok contoh sahabat kita: Tufayl ibn Amr Ad-Dausi. Orang Quraisy siap bagi amaran kepadanya sebab takut dia terpengaruh dengan al-Quran. Jadi apa dia buat? Dia sumbat kapas dalam telinga, konon-kononnya tak nak dengar bacaan ayat-ayat al-Quran.

But human curiosity… the more we’re told not to, the more we want to know! 😅 Eventually, Tufayl approached the Kaaba, watched the Prophet SAW pray, and followed him home. After hearing just a few verses, he embraced Islam

Tapi hati manusia ni kan…apabila makin dilarang, makin nak tahu! Akhirnya dia mendekati Kaabah, memerhati Rasulullah SAW solat, dan ikut Baginda pulang ke rumah. Selepas mendengar beberapa ayat sahaja, dia terus beriman.

Want to know the best part? After learning only a little, he was already eager to teach Islam to his people in Yemen. Even though his first attempt failed, he didn’t give up. If it were us? We’d probably quit after a little rejection. 😬 

Nak tahu apa yang best? Baru belajar sikit, dia dah bersemangat nak balik ajar kaumnya di Yaman. Walaupun cubaan pertama gagal, dia tak putus asa. Kalau kita? Baru kena reject sikit, terus give up.

But Tufayl? He went back to the Prophet SAW and even asked the Prophet to curse his people. 😅 But guess what? The Prophet didn’t curse or criticize. Instead, he prayed for their guidance. ✨

Tapi Tufayl? Dia balik jumpa Nabi SAW, dan... minta Nabi doakan kebinasaan kaumnya. But guess what? Nabi tak maki dan tak mendoakan yang buruk-buruk. Sebaliknya, Nabi mendoakan semoga Allah memberikan hidayah kepada kaum Tufayl.

And later, during the Battle of Khaybar in 7H, Tufayl returned with 70 families from his tribe who had embraced Islam! Amazing, right? 🙌🏻

Dan selepas itu…masa Perang Khaibar pada tahun 7H, Tufayl kembali dengan 70 keluarga dari kaumnya yang dah beriman! Hebat, kan? 

The Endless Blessings of Da’wah
Keberkatan Tanpa Henti dari Dakwah

Tufayl wasn’t an Islamic scholar or a hadith narrator. But thanks to his da’wah, Abu Hurairah, whom we all know as the narrator of more than 5,000 hadith, accepted Islam. And who shared in this reward? Tufayl! 🏅

Tufayl bukanlah seorang ulama atau perawi hadis. Tapi hasil dakwahnya, Abu Hurairah yang kita semua kenal...yang meriwayatkan lebih 5,000 hadis, masuk Islam. Semua pahala hadis Abu Hurairah, Tufayl dapat bahagian. Dahsyat, kan! 

Through da’wah, the rewards multiply. Every prayer, every hadith, every teaching that Abu Hurairah shared, Tufayl received a portion of that reward. This is the power and endless blessings of da’wah. 💫

Setiap kali orang baca hadis yang Abu Hurairah riwayatkan, saham pahala tu tetap mengalir ke Tufayl. Hanya kerana dia berani untuk sampaikan apa yang dia tahu! Kalau nak kira, ilmunya bukanlah banyak sangat. Tapi Allah…Maha Besar dengan ganjaran-Nya!

Why Don’t We Do It?
Kenapa Kita Tak Buat?

There are so many people out there with incorrect prayers, little knowledge of Islam… and we just ignore it? We are missing out on the easiest way to gain rewards in the Hereafter. Imagine if we share just a little knowledge, and that person becomes a great scholar. Wah...how immense would our reward be?📈

Ramai yang di luar sana, solatnya tak betul, jahil tentang agama…tapi kita buat-buat tak nampak dan tak tahu? Rugi kalau macam tu! Bayangkan, kalau kita kongsi sikit je ilmu, dan orang tu jadi ulama besar. Wah...besar mana ganjaran kita?

Show Your Love for the Prophet: Share the Message
Tunjukkan Cinta Kita kepada Rasulullah: Sebarkan Mesej

Want to be the best? Want to earn the love of the Prophet SAW? Learn the Quran, share it, and do da’wah! 🕌 Abdul Rahman bin Auf did it, Abu Bakr did it, and Khadijah...a businesswoman...did it. If we have knowledge, share it. If we have wealth, support those who spread it. Learning alone isn’t enough; we must act!

Nak jadi yang terbaik? Nak dapat cinta Rasulullah SAW? Pelajari Al-Quran, sampaikan, berdakwahlah! Abdul Rahman bin Auf buat, Abu Bakar buat, Khadijah...seorang wanita korporat...pun buat. Kalau kita ada ilmu, sampaikan. Kalau ada harta, sokong mereka yang berdakwah. Jangan hanya belajar tanpa tindakan!

If not…  

1. We risk falling into sin for being selfish with knowledge.  

2. We miss the chance to be the best by learning and spreading Islam.  

3. If we truly love the Prophet SAW, we must love what he loved...which is da’wah! 🌹

Kalau tidak…

  1. Kita berisiko jatuh ke jurang dosa sebab kedekut ilmu.
  2. Kita terlepas peluang jadi yang terbaik dengan belajar dan berdakwah.
  3. Kalau benar-benar cinta Rasulullah, kita kena cintakan apa yang Rasulullah SAW cintai… iaitu dakwah! 

Prove Your Love with Action!
Buktikan Cinta Kita dengan Tindakan!

Want to prove your love for the Prophet? Do what he loved...da’wah! When we see someone lost, we feel sad, we pray for them, and we strive to share the message, even if it’s just one verse. 📖

Nak buktikan cinta kita kepada Baginda SAW? Lakukan apa yang Baginda suka...berdakwah! Apabila kita nampak orang yang tersesat, kita merasa sedih, kita mendoakan dia, dan kita berusaha nak sampaikan mesej, walaupun hanya satu ayat. 

Refer to Surah Al-Baqarah:

"Whoever follows My guidance will have no fear, nor will they grieve."

Rujuk Surah Al-Baqarah:

"Sesiapa yang mengikuti petunjuk-Ku, mereka tidak akan takut dan tidak akan bersedih."

The Prophet SAW followed Allah’s guidance through da’wah, but he still felt sorrow when people rejected it. Yet Allah reminded him, “Don’t be sad, your reward is already there.”😌

Nabi SAW dah ikut petunjuk Allah dengan berdakwah, tapi Baginda tetap sedih bila ramai yang tak terima. Namun Allah ingatkan, “Jangan sedih, pahalamu sudah ada.”

Change How We Think!
Ubah Cara Kita Berfikir!

Let’s start with one verse, one story. It doesn’t have to be big, as long as there’s effort. Because every word counts, every effort is valuable in Allah’s eyes. 

Mulakan dengan satu ayat, satu cerita. Biar kecil, asalkan ada usaha. Kerana setiap perkataan penting, setiap usaha dihargai di sisi Allah.

May we all be granted inspiration and strength to follow in the footsteps of Rasulullah SAW and convey the message of the Quran with sincerity and wisdom.

Semoga kita semua diberi ilham dan kekuatan untuk mengikuti jejak langkah Rasulullah SAW dan menyampaikan mesej Al-Quran dengan penuh ikhlas dan hikmah.

Let’s be the messengers! ✨
Jom jadi pendakwah!
Safiya Putrajaya