30 September, 2024

Shrimp Fishing @ Kelong Pulau Bangau: An Unforgettable, Laughter-Filled Experience! Pancing Udang Galah @ Kelong Pulau Bangau

September 28, 2024 - As early as 2:30 a.m., the surroundings were still pitch black, the heart was uneasy, and the eyes refused to shut. Afraid of oversleeping till morning! Moreover, this time I was hitching a ride. Imagine getting left behind! That would be a disaster! 
28 September 2024 - Seawal jam 2.30 pagi, suasana masih gelap gelita, hati pun tak tenteram, mata segan nak pejam. Risau takut terlajak tidur sampai ke pagi! Tambah pula, kali ni kita menumpang orang. Bayangkan kalau tertinggal! Alamatnya, kena tinggal la jawabnya. 

With half-opened eyes, I departed for Klang at 3:30 a.m. to meet Lisa, who would also be joining this trip. The excitement was off the charts this time!
Maka dengan mata separuh terbuka, kita bertolak ke Klang jam 3.30 pagi, nak bertemu dengan Lisa yang akan turut serta dalam trip kali ini. Semangat memang lain macam betul kali ni!

But Lisa had her diva moment… arrived late! It wasn’t until 5:15 a.m. that we finally managed to head out to Teluk Intan.  

Tapi Lisa ni ada gaya diva...sampai lambat! Dekat jam 5.15 pagi baru betul-betul boleh gerak ke Teluk Intan. 

On the way, we stopped to perform Subuh prayer and refuel at Petronas Sungai Besar, Sabak Bernam. At exactly 6:30 a.m., everyone felt refreshed after breathing in the crisp morning air. We couldn’t stop humming songs, a sign that our moods were bright and cheery, ready to kickstart this adventure!
Sambil-sambil tu, kami singgah dulu untuk solat Subuh dan isi minyak di Petronas Sungai Besar, Sabak Bernam. Tepat jam 6.30 pagi, masing-masing dah segar selepas hirup udara nyaman pagi tu. Mulut pun tak henti-henti menyanyi kecil, tanda mood dah ceria nak mulakan pengembaraan!

At 7:30 a.m., we finally arrived at the Pulau Bangau Jetty, Teluk Intan. The place was gorgeous, the scenery peaceful, and the atmosphere soothing. 
Jam 7.30 pagi, kami pun tiba di Jeti Pulau Bangau, Teluk Intan. Tempatnya memang cantik, pemandangan tenang, suasana nyaman. 

But what a pity, there were some prayer items floating on the side of the river. Apparently, the belief of the local Hindu and Buddhist communities here is to throw prayer items into the river for "ong" or good luck. 
Tapi sayang seribu kali sayang, ada juga barang-barang sembahyang terapung kat tepi sungai. Rupanya, kepercayaan masyarakat Hindu dan Buddha di sini adalah membuang barang sembahyang ke dalam sungai untuk “ong” atau nasib baik. 

While waiting for our friends to arrive, let’s share some interesting facts about Pulau Bangau and Teluk Intan. 
Sementara menunggu kawan-kawan kita sampai, meh kita kongsikan serba sedikit fakta menarik tentang Pulau Bangau dan Teluk Intan ni. 

Fun Facts About Teluk Intan: The Land of Blue-Claw Prawns, Prawn Mee & The Famous Leaning Tower with a Rich History!

Fakta Menarik Tentang Teluk Intan: Tempat Udang Galah, Mee Udang & Menara Condong yang Penuh Sejarah!

Teluk Intan, oh Teluk Intan, was once known as Teluk Anson. This name was taken after a British officer, Sir Archibald Anson. 

Teluk Intan, oh Teluk Intan, nama yang dulu dikenali sebagai Teluk Anson. Nama ni diambil sempena seorang pegawai British, Sir Archibald Anson.

But after Malaysia gained independence, we dropped the ‘Anson’ part and changed it to Teluk Intan, more local, more “uumph”! Just imagine, a name like “Anson” sounds like the gardener at some British manor. So, the town returned to its original, more authentic name that reflects its local soul. 

Tetapi selepas Malaysia merdeka, kita buang ‘Anson’ tu dan tukar kepada Teluk Intan, nampak lebih lokal, lebih “uumph”! Bayangkan, nama “Anson” tu, bunyi macam nama tukang kebun kat rumah mat saleh je, kan. Jadi, teluk ni kembali menggunakan nama asalnya yang lebih berjiwa tempatan. 

History of the Leaning Tower: The Malaysian Version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Sejarah Menara Condong: Leaning Tower ala Malaysia!

When we talk about Teluk Intan, what’s the most “famous” thing here? Definitely, the Teluk Intan Leaning Tower! But hey, don’t get confused, this is not Malaysia’s version of the “Leaning Tower of Pisa.” Hehe.

Apabila bercakap pasal Teluk Intan, apa yang paling “famous” sekali? Tentulah Menara Condong Teluk Intan! Tapi jangan keliru ya, ini bukanlah “Leaning Tower of Pisa” versi Malaysia. Hehe. 

The tower was built in 1885 by a Chinese contractor named Leong Choon Chong. Its original purpose? Simply to store water! Imagine, such a massive tower, just to keep water! 

Menara ni dibina pada tahun 1885 oleh seorang kontraktor Cina bernama Leong Choon Chong. Tujuan asal menara ini? Hanya untuk simpan air! Boleh bayang tak, satu menara besar-besar ni, tapi simpan air je!


And guess what? The tower wasn’t meant to lean! It started to tilt because the ground beneath was too soft, coupled with the weight of the water tank inside. Eventually, it became slanted, like someone trying to walk on a slippery slope. 

Lagi kelakar, bangunan ni bukan sengaja nak condong tau! Bangunan ni mula senget sebab tanah di bawahnya lembut sangat, ditambah dengan berat tangki air di dalamnya. Akhirnya, jadilah menara ni senget sebelah.

And the best part? This tower has 110 steps! Whoever is brave enough to climb to the top will get a breathtaking view of Teluk Intan, but also a bit of vertigo from seeing how much the tower leans to the side. 

Dan yang paling win, menara ni ada 110 anak tangga! Siapa berani naik sampai ke puncak, siap dapat pemandangan Teluk Intan yang cantik, sambil rasa gayat tengok menara tu condong kat tepi.

Imagine if a whole group came to take photos who would want to strike the classic “push the tower” pose here? Just don’t push too hard, it might actually collapse! 😜

Rasa-rasa, kalau ramai-ramai pergi bergambar, siapa nak posing gaya “push the tower” kat sini? Jangan tolak betul-betul, runtuh kang!

Blue-Claw Prawns: The King of All Prawns!
Udang Galah Sepit Biru: Raja Segala Udang!

Okay, now let’s get to the best part, who doesn’t know about the blue-claw prawns in Teluk Intan? Teluk Intan is like ‘paradise’ for prawn fishing enthusiasts! 

Okay, sekarang masuk bab paling best, siapa tak kenal udang galah sepit biru di Teluk Intan ni? Teluk Intan ni bak ‘syurga’ untuk kaki pancing udang galah!

These blue-claw prawns are different from the regular ones you get at the local mamak shop. They’re long, and their size can reach as big as a child’s arm! Their claws are bright blue, making them look like Aquaman’s sidekick superhero! 

Udang galah sepit biru ni lain dari udang biasa yang kita makan kat kedai mamak. Udang ni panjang, saiznya boleh sampai sebesar lengan kanak-kanak! Sepitnya pula warna biru terang, sampaikan kalau tersilap pandang ingat dia ni superhero Aquaman punya sidekick! 

The best part? The flesh of these prawns is sweet, tender, and juicy! If you get a big one, ohhh, it’s a feast! Locals call these prawns “Jenggo,” and the prawn season typically falls around May to August. But if you’re not good at fishing, don’t worry!
Yang bestnya, rasa isi udang galah ni manis, lembut, dan juicy! Kalau dapat seekor besar, huhh, memang layan makan! Penduduk tempatan panggil udang ni “Jenggo”, dan musim udang galah biasanya sekitar Mei hingga Ogos. Tapi siapa yang tak pandai memancing, takpe, jangan risau!

Teluk Intan has blue-claw prawn mee that is to-die-for! This prawn mee is served in a big bowl (don’t worry, enough to satisfy even the biggest Malaysian appetite!). 

Teluk Intan ada mee udang galah sepit biru yang “meleleh” sedapnya! Mee udang ni dihidangkan dalam mangkuk besar (jangan risau, cukup untuk perut orang Malaysia yang kuat makan!).

The big, fresh prawns are laid nicely on top of the noodles, sprinkled with chopped herbs, and the thick gravy...oh my, just one sip and you’ll want to drink it all! The sweet prawn flavor combined with the spicy gravy, simply irresistible! One bite, and you’ll be dreaming of prawns hopping around in your sleep. 🤤🍜

Udang besar-besar segar terletak elok atas mee, ditabur daun sup, dan kuahnya yang pekat tu, fuhhh...kalau makan, siap hirup sekali kuah dia! Rasa manis udang, pedas kuah, memang padu! Sekali makan, gerenti terbayang udang terlompat-lompat dalam mimpi malam tu. 

Pulau Bangau & the Giant Prawns

Pulau Bangau & Udang Galah

Did you know? Teluk Intan also has a place called Pulau Bangau. Don’t be surprised! Pulau Bangau is not a summer vacation spot for egrets! Haha! But why is it named Pulau Bangau (Egret Island)? 

Kalau nak tahu, Teluk Intan ni jugak ada satu kawasan yang dipanggil Pulau Bangau. Jangan terkejut! Pulau Bangau bukanlah tempat burung bangau bercuti musim panas tau! Haha! Tapi kenapa nama dia Pulau Bangau?

Because flocks of white egrets love to gather here during dusk, forming beautiful flying formations as they return to their nests. So, while fishing for prawns, you can also watch the egrets gracefully flying around, like a scene straight out of a National Geographic Channel show!

Sebab burung bangau putih memang suka berkumpul kat sini pada waktu senja, siap buat formasi terbang balik ke sarang. Jadi, sesambil pancing udang tu, sambil-sambil jugaklah tengok burung bangau terbang beramai-ramai. Rasa macam dalam National Geographic Channel gitew!

In fact, the giant prawns here aren’t just the ‘kings of the river,’ but there are mystical stories that say: if you catch a giant-sized prawn, you must release it back into the river, because they are said to be the “guardians” of the area. 

Sebenarnya, udang galah kat sini tak hanya jadi ‘raja sungai’, malah ada cerita-cerita mistik yang katanya, kalau terkail udang galah bersaiz gergasi, kena lepas balik semula ke sungai, konon-konon udang tu adalah “penjaga” kawasan Sungai Perak tu.

If you don’t let it go, your fishing luck for the next few days will be zero! So, if you happen to catch a big one, consider whether to release it or not. You wouldn’t want the prawn to haunt your dreams, pulling at your legs! 😂

Kalau tak lepas, alamatnya, rezeki pancing esok lusa, kosong je lah! Jadi, kalau terjumpa udang galah besar, pertimbangkanlah supaya lepas balik semula ke sungai. Takut-takut nanti, udang tu marah, tak pasal-pasal masuk dalam mimpi, tarik kaki!

Teluk Intan’s Famous Mee Rebus & Laksa

Mee Rebus & Laksa Teluk Intan

If you visit Teluk Intan, it’s a must to try the local laksa and mee rebus. The mee rebus here is slightly different. The gravy is thick and rich, and just one sip can make you feel full for 3 days! 

Kalau dah sampai ke Teluk Intan, tak sah kalau tak pekena laksa dan mee rebus tempatan. Mee rebus Teluk Intan ni lain sikit, kuah dia pekat melekat, sekali hirup, boleh rasa kenyang 3 hari taw!

As for the laksa, it’s packed with shredded herbs, torch ginger flower, finely ground boiled fish, its flavor is tangy, creamy, with a hint of prawn sweetness and mild spiciness that will keep you slurping non-stop! After the laksa, don’t forget to grab some sticky yellow glutinous rice and beef rendang for the road!

Laksa pula, penuh dengan hirisan bunga kantan, daun kesum, ikan rebus yang dikisar halus, rasa dia masam-masam, lemak-lemak manis udang dan pedas sikit-sikit, sampai tak sanggup berhenti menyedut kuah! Selepas makan laksa, haa...jangan lupa tapau pulut kuning + rendang daging untuk dibawa pulang!

In Short...

Teluk Intan is not just about its long history, legendary leaning tower, but also about the delicious food everywhere. Whether you want to fish for giant prawns, eat blue-claw prawn mee, savor the laksa, or take a dizzying photo at the leaning tower, it’s all possible in Teluk Intan! 

Jadinya...Teluk Intan ni, bukan je ada sejarah yang panjang, menara condong legend, tetapi makanannya boleh tahan sedap-sedap belaka. Nak memancing udang galah, makan mee udang galah, hirup laksa, tengok menara condong sambil posing gayat...semuanya boleh kat Teluk Intan ni!

But be careful...if you eat too many giant prawns, you might end up having the ‘ong’ of the prawn sticking to your belly, making it hard to “lean back” home! Ahaha! 

Tapi, hati-hati...kalau banyak sangat makan udang galah, takut ‘ong’ udang tu pulak yang ‘melekat’ kat perut, bukan apa, nanti susah pula nak “condong” balik ke rumah! Ahaha!

Alright, back to our story... Oh look, our friends have arrived! Let’s get this trip started! 😄

Orait back to our story... sedang elok kawan-kawan kita dah sampai...

After all 11 of us gathered at 8:30 a.m., we boarded the boat heading to Pulau Bangau Kelong. It wasn’t far, just about 10 minutes. 
Setelah semua rakan-rakan seramai 11 orang dah berkumpul, tepat jam 8.30 pagi, kami naik bot ke Kelong Pulau Bangau. Eh, tak jauh pun, lebih kurang 10 minit je dah sampai. 

When we arrived and saw the kelong, wow! It was beautiful, tidy, and fully equipped. There were solar lamps, a top-notch generator, electric pot, electric kettle, and fan. But to use the electrical appliances, the generator needed to be turned on first. 
Apabila tengok kelongnya, wow! Cantik, kemas, lengkap serba-serbi. Siap ada lampu solar, generator pun tip top, periuk bujang elektrik, cerek elektrik, dan kipas angin. Tapi kalau nak guna elektrik, kena hidupkan genset dulu lah.

The best part? There were prayer mats and telekung (prayer garments) that smelled so fresh! Top-notch hospitality! 😍
Paling best, siap ada sejadah dan kain telekung yang wangi! Memang terbaik!

While I was busy checking out the place, suddenly I heard the song "Happy Birthday!" Huh?! I wondered, “Whose birthday is it?” 

Tengah leka tengok sekeliling, tiba-tiba terdengar suara nyanyian lagu "Happy Birthday!" Hah?! Dalam hati tertanya-tanya, “Siapa pulak yang sambut birthday ni?”

Turns out, they were singing it for me! Oh my, I was about to shed tears of joy. They even brought a red velvet cake, my favorite! Then, out of nowhere...they started spraying me with soapy water! It’s bath time! This was truly a birthday surprise I’ll never forget. 
Rupa-rupanya, mereka semua menyanyi untuk kita! Ya Allah, rasa bagai menitis je air mata terharu. Siap ada kek red velvet, tu kek kegemaran kita! Tak habis-habis kena usik, dan tak pasal-pasal kena mandi sabun! Ini betul-betul surprise birthday yang pasti takkan dilupakan.

After the birthday fun and laughter, everyone was eager to set up bait and fish for the famous blue-claw shrimp. At first, the fishing line was completely still, thought we’d have no luck. But eventually, we caught one! And then another…and another! 
Selesai sesi makan kek, semua orang bersemangat pasang umpan...nak pancing udang galah sepit biru. Mula-mula senyap je tali kail tu, ingatkan takde rezeki. Tapi akhirnya, dapat juga seekor! Kemudian seekor lagi… dan lagi!

The biggest one, a giant shrimp, was caught by Shici. He couldn’t stop grinning. After that, we caught a catfish, a baby patin, a tilan fish, a pufferfish...so many different types of fish! But we released them all because our target was the giant blue-claw shrimp only. Ahaha! 🎣
Paling besar, udang galah jenggo yang si Shici dapat. Tak habis-habis tersengih dia. Lepas tu, ada yang dapat ikan duri, anak patin, ikan tilan, ikan buntal.. aish macam-macam ikan! Tapi semuanya dilepaskan sebab sasaran kami hanyalah udang galah je. Ahaha!

While waiting for the bait to catch more, suddenly a karaoke session started! They even sang Hari Raya songs! Guess they must have been really bored. Hahaha.
Dalam pada tunggu umpan mengena, mereka buka sesi berkaraoke! Lagu raya pun bedal nyanyi jugak! Agaknya dah bosan sangat lah tu. 

But what made us laugh the hardest was Arip, who was seasick. From morning till evening, he was just lying down. His face was pale, appetite gone, his face looked like a pickled plum...sweet and sour, sweet and sour. The funniest part? He even dropped his fishing rod into the river! Totally AAA+ level seasickness! 
Tapi yang paling mencuit hati, si Arip yang mabuk laut. Dari pagi sampai ke petang terbaring je. Muka pucat, makan pun tak lalu, muka da semacam asam jeruk...masam manis masam manis. Yang paling lawak, siap jatuhkan joran dalam sungai! Betul-betul mabuk level AAA+ lah!

The weather that day was all over the place...morning was pleasant, noon was scorching, and by evening, a heavy downpour arrived. But…rain or shine, I didn’t care! What else? I played in the rain! Soaking wet, but I had a blast! Ahaha! 
Cuaca hari tu pun macam-macam...paginya indah sangat, tengah hari terik pulak, petangnya hujan turun dengan lebat. Tapi... hujan ke, panas ke, kita apa kisah! Apa lagi, mandi hujanlah! Basah kuyup, tapi puas hati. Seronok main hujan taw. Ahaha! 

The fun doubled when I saw flocks of egrets flying home, and the sunset painting the sky. It was a serene, picturesque scene...felt like being in a whole different world. 
Tambah seronok apabila dapat tengok burung bangau terbang berkumpulan, dengan suasana senja yang matahari terbenam di ufuk barat. Memang sungguh-sungguh menenangkan, seolah-olah berada di dunia lain.

As for cooking, I wasn’t really pros at fishing. Casting the line was hesitant at best. So, I became the rice cooker and tea brewer. Egg curry, grilled chicken, grilled sausages, and onion fritters. All turned out delicious, despite being simple dishes. 
Bab masak-memasak pula, kita ni bukanlah pro sangat dalam hal memancing. Nak baling kail pun teragak-agak. Jadi, pembantu chef, tukang tanak nasi dan buat air manis je lah. Kari telur, ayam bakar, sosej bakar, dan cucur bawang. Semuanya jadi sedap walaupun menu tu simple je.

But the heat was unbearable, so everyone just guzzled down drinks. Even two bags of ice weren’t enough! 😅

Tapi cuaca panas sangat, masing-masing asyik tibai minum air je. Dua beg ais pun mana maunya cukup!

When we ordered three more packs of ice, suddenly it poured again! Wrong timing, seriously. Ahaha! But we made the best of it, just enjoying the rain and waves in the river. Felt like drifting off to sleep. 
Bila dah order ais 3 pek lagi, tiba-tiba hujan lebat pulak! Silap timing betul. Ahaha! 

By 6:30 p.m., it was time to pack up. We cleaned up, stacked everything neatly, and left behind whatever was not used for the next guests. While waiting for the boat, everyone was already planning the next fishing trip. They said, maybe Lake Kenyir in 2025. Me? I’m happy just being the official onion chopper! 😎
Jam 6.30 petang, masa pun tiba untuk pulang. Kami mula kemas barang-barang. Mana yang tak habis, tinggal je untuk yang datang selepas ni. Sambil tunggu bot, masing-masing dah sibuk plan trip memancing seterusnya. Katanya, nak ke Kenyir pada tahun 2025 nanti. Kita? Jadi tukang potong bawang pun jadilah!

To wrap up this trip, since it wasn’t shrimp season, we were taken on a boat ride to watch fireflies. Wow, it was truly romantic. Everyone was mesmerized, watching the fireflies twinkling around the riverside trees. Felt like a dream vacation in some other world!
Sebagai penutup trip, disebabkan ini bukan musim udang galah, kami dibawa meronda dengan bot untuk tengok kelip-kelip. Wahh, suasana romantis betul. Semua terpesona tengok kelip-kelip yang berkelip-kelip. Terasa macam bercuti di dunia lain pulak!

At 8:30 p.m., when we reached the jetty, despite the exhaustion, everyone happily took group photos. Fully satisfied! It felt like we had sailed the open seas, even though the kelong didn’t move an inch! Ahaha! What a joke.
Jam 8.30 malam, sesampai kat jeti, walaupun keletihan, semua orang seronok bergambar. Puas hati! Kira macam dah belayar jauh ke lautan, walhal kelong tu tak bergerak ke mana-mana pun! Ahaha! Lawak betul. 

By 9:30 p.m., we hugged each other affectionately at RnR Ulu Bernam, before heading back to our own homes.
Dah jam 9.30 malam, kami pun bersalam-salaman manja di RnR Ulu Bernam, sebelum berpisah untuk pulang ke rumah masing-masing.

For me, this was the sweetest memory of 2024. Thank you, Capt and everyone, for celebrating my birthday and fulfilling my wish to glorify the Creator on the water. Life is truly beautiful! 😍

Bagi kita, inilah kenangan paling manis untuk tahun 2024. Terima kasih Capt dan semua kerana meraikan birthday kita dan menunaikan hasrat kita untuk memuji Ilahi di atas air. Sememangnya hidup ini amat indah!

Life is full of choices

Safiya Putrajaya

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